welcome teeth

Mantraushadhi Welcome Teeth


Bal Raksha Hair Oil

Bal Raksha Hair Oil

Bal Raksha Massage Oil



Bal Raksha Massage Oil

Products Key Features : Process in Go dugdh and Aja dugdh.

*According to ‘शारङ्गधर संहिता’ children should be messaged with oil after birth itself.

Ayurved texts have prescribed messaging for children. Just like regular oiling is needed for vehicles, regular oil messaging is needed for children else their body becomes rough (skin, muscles and bones). Various medicines have been processed using ayurvedic methods and this message oil is prepared for children using khseerpak method. Message of this oil with precious medicines like ashvagandha, balaa, provides immense benefits to children.For messaging children, processing various medicines – including balaa and ashvagandha- using ksheerpaak method is prescribed in ayurved.

Products Key Ingredients : Til Taila, Bala Sida, Ashwagandha, Laksha, Rasna, Manjishtha, Dhruva, Chandan, Nagkesar, Rose oil, Coconut oil, Badam Tail, Coraka, Sveta Sariva, Usira, Musta, Kushta, Agaru, Haridra, Kumuda, Renuka, Satahva, Padma Kesara

Who can Consume : Anyone after the age of 10 days

Usage: Message the whole body with oil before bathing in the morning.

Elders can also use the same oil for messaging

Additional information

Weight 150 g


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Sanskruti Arya Gurukulam

Authentic Ayurvedic products from Rajkot, prepared at Arya Gurukulam

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