Shastrokt (Vedic) Importance : Giloy(Guduchi) is called a divine medicine in Ayurveda. It is the best medicine for curing fever and to prevent from various viral and infectious diseases. Its consumption keeps the body healthy.
Relevant Mantra :कन्दोद्भवा गुडूची च कटूष्णा संनिपातहा। विषघ्नी ज्वरभूतग्नी क्लीपलितनाशिनी।।
Ayurved Vidhan : Bhaishajya Ratnavali
Why to Consume : Very beneficial to cure fever and viral infections.
Who Can Consume : Anyone
सेवन विधि : सुबह, शाम दो – दो टेबलेट भोजन के बाद
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